Recap : We Are The Romantic Ones

We came, we loved, we conquered. This past Saint Valentine's Day we curated a group exhibition of emotive art from some of our favorite people. It was a last minute show only confirmed just days prior to it's opening and hung the day of. And as ephemeral as LA graffiti, it was gone the next day. Just a one night exhibition graciously hosted by Shepard Fairey's gallery Subliminal Projects in Echo Park, California. Many thanks to our dudes Alf Alpha and Kapeesh for providing the timely sonic vibes. Much appreciation to Pabst Blue Ribbon for always supporting our shows. And huge shout to all that could make the opening and support what we do. It was an exceptional night even though all of us went home alone. Till next time!



We were drunk and busy so we didn't take many pictures sorry.